Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Take Action NOW! Rid Schools of Junk Food!!!

Need I say more?! Childhood obesity is on the rise.
This is about 
our children's health and the
future health of our nation.

Only a few days left to get junk food out of schools!

A few groups are urging Congress to vote against the child nutrition bill when it comes
up for a vote this week.  I find this astonishing, and hope you will work with us to ensure
the bill passes.

The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act would get junk food and soda out of vending
machines, improve the nutrition quality to school lunches, and expand access to
school meals for low-income kids.

It will take just a minute to write to your U.S. Representative, which will help
counter the misinformation buzz in Washington and improve the nutrition and
health of millions of children.

Follow Link to Voice your Concern

Thank you!
Margo Wootan
Director, Nutrition Policy
for Science in the Public Interest

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