Sunday, September 19, 2010

Phys Ed: Can Exercise Make Kids Smarter? -

First off let me get this off my chest.... Like NO DUH! Us "Phys-Ed" folks have been saying this for years. Well at least those who believed in the value of physical activity in the development of the whole person, in this case the child, but we can make the leap to include adults as well.

I'm encouraged when I read articles such as this that shares some of the current research findings on activity and it's relationship to our mental and emotional well-being.

I don't teach Physical Education in schools now (in "retirement" I will - it's my L-T plan). I work in the area of Corporate Health Promotion - I teach P.E. within a corporation, P.E. for adults. But I'm a Mom. I'm an adult within a community who cares about the health and well-being of our communities children. I care that they (schools/community) 1. That the schools have the necessary resources to assist teachers in delivering high-quality education. 2. Provide healthy options for solid nutrition - breakfast, snacks & lunches. 3. That the community have a variety of outlets for children & teens, playgrounds, youth theater, arts programs, music, as well as sports.

Traditional P.E. taught sport. All fine and good, but teaching ONLY sport excluded so many. Today P.E. not only includes sport training but lifetime activities such as running, weight training, yoga, challenge adventures, camping & hiking, etc.. Many school districts are doing this now, those that still have funding to support it within their schools.

Physical Activity is not only great for the body it's also great for the mind & emotions. We as adults know that. We should encourage our schools to not only teach the 3 R's, but learn how to integrate moderate and vigorous movement into the school day, through P.E. or within the classroom setting.

Maybe if we encourage more Physical Activity we may see less behavioral problems, less obesity-related health problems, more academic achievement. Need convincing...Take a moment and read this excellent article.

Our future is in the hands of our children. Let's keep them healthy.

Phys Ed: Can Exercise Make Kids Smarter? -

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