Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Health law kicks into 2nd gear; does it help me? - Yahoo! News

I have been a strong supporter of the Obama Health Care Plan directives from the start. It's NOT about socialized medicine, it's about doing the right thing FOR the American person. Having the right coverage for everyone is only the start. Every person must also do their part. Each person must do what they can to BE healthy.

I call that "Health Assurance". We tend to "Insure" poor health, which is more reactive. I believe that we need to be pro-active and "Assure" our health by improving our own personal health behaviors.

Simply, as an individual, eating well, NOT smoking, managing stress, becoming more physically active are a few behaviors we can control. 

The other end of the spectrum is to create stronger, protective policies that support the health of our nation as a whole. What I mean by this is that we have to encourage businesses that manufacture, produce, grow, handle our food supply to do a much better job. Our food products quite simply suck. Too many chemicals, too much sugar, not enough natural healthy ingredients. Now that is NOT an easy task, to feed the entire nation.. If it was we'd be doing it. In fact we are doing it with our small locally CSA's.  

We have to do it though. Our survival depends on us doing so.

We also need effective and enforceable policies that protect us from Pharmaceutical companies. Drugs have a place no doubt. But, too many drugs are pushed on eager consumers who really don't need them. Marketers are creating a need that doesn't exist simply becasue of the all mighty (well at one time the all-mighty) dollar.

This Health Law may be financially challenging for some state health plans to cover, but again, it's the right thing to do.

I support the changes, the improvements. More importantly I encourage people to do their part in being healthy. it takes a village to raise a healthy person to paraphrase Hillary Clinton's book

I have always said that when a person gets healthy EVERYONE wins. All except the businesses that thrived on our illness, preceived or real.

This is a nice Q & A Summary of the changes expected.

In health!

Health law kicks into 2nd gear; does it help me? - Yahoo! News

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