Sunday, September 12, 2010

Success is in the journey NOT the Pill!

I see Trends. I have this tendency to see common threads in un-related issues.  For instance, I see how our narrowed-minded, short-term profit fix is reflected in our desire to "cure" long-term systemic problems with the quick profiteering fix of drugs.

In the U.S. especially, our own greed and blindness to long-term financial stability and innovation is blocked and destroyed by our own fears of competition.  Large corporations destroy the future by gobbling up and destroying anything that threatens current profits.  Thus squelching any potential long-term market growth. Innovation, the very thing that made the USA great is wiped off the future map.  Now we are paying the high price.

I see the same kind of trends for the "cure" of the modern day killer of health, Obesity.  Heaven forbid that we  fix our inadequate food supply, promote more physical movement in the our daily lives, learn how to deal effectively with stress and discover how true joy is found in each simple moment.

No instead we promote and people buy drugs to fix themselves mentally & physically. And if one drug doesn't work, here, add another to the mix.

Once again diet drugs are looking to be approved to cure obesity...LOOK at the risks compared to the modest gains (or losses).

A health lifestyle costs us virtually nothing.  But it does take conscious consistent effort.  It's in that very journey, that very journey that the true cure exists.  Why must we be so short-sighted with the quick-fix solutions?  Why must we be so afraid of the journey.  Is it really too much work to be happy & healthy without drugs?

Risks of old, new diet drugs face U.S. scrutiny

WASHINGTON, Sept 9 (Reuters) - The risks of a potential new diet pill and a 13-year-old weight-loss medicine face U.S. scrutiny next week as medical experts consider if the drugs' benefits outweigh possible side effects.
On Thursday, Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc (ARNA.O) goes before an advisory panel that will consider if the pill, lorcaserin or Lorqess, should win approval. The medicine is vital to Arena, a small company with no approved drugs on the market.
On Wednesday, the committee will decide whether to recommend tougher action against Abbott Laboratories Inc's (ABT.N) diet drug Meridia on concerns about heart problems.
READ the WHOLE Article... And you tell me if you see what I see..

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