Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Take Action NOW! Rid Schools of Junk Food!!!

Need I say more?! Childhood obesity is on the rise.
This is about 
our children's health and the
future health of our nation.

Only a few days left to get junk food out of schools!

A few groups are urging Congress to vote against the child nutrition bill when it comes
up for a vote this week.  I find this astonishing, and hope you will work with us to ensure
the bill passes.

The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act would get junk food and soda out of vending
machines, improve the nutrition quality to school lunches, and expand access to
school meals for low-income kids.

It will take just a minute to write to your U.S. Representative, which will help
counter the misinformation buzz in Washington and improve the nutrition and
health of millions of children.

Follow Link to Voice your Concern

Thank you!
Margo Wootan
Director, Nutrition Policy
for Science in the Public Interest

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Jack LaLanne Turns 96 Today!

The man is absolutely incredible! 96 and still going strong.  He lived by some simple rules and tenaciously
 stuck by them.  I didn't always agree with his words, but many more than not I did.  You can't deny he lived 
by his creed.


Jack LaLanne turned 95 on September 26, 2009, and that is hard to believe. He doesn’t look it! In public, young people flock to him and older people feel Jack has found the Fountain of Youth.
Jack LaLanne is America’s Number 1 Physical Fitness Expert and Guru, and is often called the“Godfather of Fitness”. Jack admits it was not always this way. “As a kid,” he flatly states, “I was a sugarholic and a junk food junkie! It made me weak and it made me mean. It made me so sick I had boils, pimples and suffered from nearsightedness. Little girls used to beat me up. My mom prayed… the Church prayed.” It was at the age of 15, when he heard pioneer nutritionist Paul Bragg speak at the Oakland City Women’s Club in San Francisco Bay Area, Jack finally realized that he was addicted to sugar. Bragg promised Jack if he would exercise and eat a proper diet he could regain good health. Jack listened attentively and was fiercely determined to walk away from that lecture ready to build a totally new Jack LaLanne.


Jack LaLanne fervently believes every human being can attain maximum body health and fitness if they will practice moderation, eat the most natural foods, and exercise on a regular basis. Over the years on national television, radio talk shows and in feature stories written about Jack, certain ideas stated by Jack have become little gems known as “LaLanneisms”
Here are a few of Jack’s words of wisdom:
  • Anything in life is possible if you make it happen.
  • Anything in life is possible and you can make it happen.
  • Your waistline is your lifeline.
  • Exercise is King, nutrition is Queen, put them together and you’ve got a kingdom.
  • Don’t exceed the feed limit.
  • The food you eat today is walking and talking tomorrow.
  • Ten seconds on the lips and a lifetime on the hips.
  • Better to wear out than rust out
  • Do – don’t stew.
  • People don’t die of old age, they die of inactivity.
  • First we inspire them, then we perspire them.
  • You eat everyday, you sleep everyday, and your body was made to exercise everyday.
  • Work at living and you don’t have to die tomorrow.
  • I can’t die, it would ruin my image.
  • If man makes it, don’t eat it.
  • If it tastes good, spit it out.
  • What’s it doing for me?
  • Your health account is like your bank account: The more you put in, the more you can take out.
  • If one apple is good, you wouldn’t eat 100.
  • It’s not what you do some of the time that counts, it’s what you do all of the time that counts.
  • Make haste slowly.
  • Eat right and you can’t go wrong.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Health law kicks into 2nd gear; does it help me? - Yahoo! News

I have been a strong supporter of the Obama Health Care Plan directives from the start. It's NOT about socialized medicine, it's about doing the right thing FOR the American person. Having the right coverage for everyone is only the start. Every person must also do their part. Each person must do what they can to BE healthy.

I call that "Health Assurance". We tend to "Insure" poor health, which is more reactive. I believe that we need to be pro-active and "Assure" our health by improving our own personal health behaviors.

Simply, as an individual, eating well, NOT smoking, managing stress, becoming more physically active are a few behaviors we can control. 

The other end of the spectrum is to create stronger, protective policies that support the health of our nation as a whole. What I mean by this is that we have to encourage businesses that manufacture, produce, grow, handle our food supply to do a much better job. Our food products quite simply suck. Too many chemicals, too much sugar, not enough natural healthy ingredients. Now that is NOT an easy task, to feed the entire nation.. If it was we'd be doing it. In fact we are doing it with our small locally CSA's.  

We have to do it though. Our survival depends on us doing so.

We also need effective and enforceable policies that protect us from Pharmaceutical companies. Drugs have a place no doubt. But, too many drugs are pushed on eager consumers who really don't need them. Marketers are creating a need that doesn't exist simply becasue of the all mighty (well at one time the all-mighty) dollar.

This Health Law may be financially challenging for some state health plans to cover, but again, it's the right thing to do.

I support the changes, the improvements. More importantly I encourage people to do their part in being healthy. it takes a village to raise a healthy person to paraphrase Hillary Clinton's book

I have always said that when a person gets healthy EVERYONE wins. All except the businesses that thrived on our illness, preceived or real.

This is a nice Q & A Summary of the changes expected.

In health!

Health law kicks into 2nd gear; does it help me? - Yahoo! News

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Phys Ed: Can Exercise Make Kids Smarter? -

First off let me get this off my chest.... Like NO DUH! Us "Phys-Ed" folks have been saying this for years. Well at least those who believed in the value of physical activity in the development of the whole person, in this case the child, but we can make the leap to include adults as well.

I'm encouraged when I read articles such as this that shares some of the current research findings on activity and it's relationship to our mental and emotional well-being.

I don't teach Physical Education in schools now (in "retirement" I will - it's my L-T plan). I work in the area of Corporate Health Promotion - I teach P.E. within a corporation, P.E. for adults. But I'm a Mom. I'm an adult within a community who cares about the health and well-being of our communities children. I care that they (schools/community) 1. That the schools have the necessary resources to assist teachers in delivering high-quality education. 2. Provide healthy options for solid nutrition - breakfast, snacks & lunches. 3. That the community have a variety of outlets for children & teens, playgrounds, youth theater, arts programs, music, as well as sports.

Traditional P.E. taught sport. All fine and good, but teaching ONLY sport excluded so many. Today P.E. not only includes sport training but lifetime activities such as running, weight training, yoga, challenge adventures, camping & hiking, etc.. Many school districts are doing this now, those that still have funding to support it within their schools.

Physical Activity is not only great for the body it's also great for the mind & emotions. We as adults know that. We should encourage our schools to not only teach the 3 R's, but learn how to integrate moderate and vigorous movement into the school day, through P.E. or within the classroom setting.

Maybe if we encourage more Physical Activity we may see less behavioral problems, less obesity-related health problems, more academic achievement. Need convincing...Take a moment and read this excellent article.

Our future is in the hands of our children. Let's keep them healthy.

Phys Ed: Can Exercise Make Kids Smarter? -

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Long life goes hand in hand with a firm grip - Health -

I made it to the Quarter Century Club & the Half Century Club and I'm still thinking that the Century Club is a worthwhile goal. I know that getting from this point to that point will be a challenge. I need to not only mentally & spiritually be up to it, but physically as well.

Checking in now at the age of 53 I have already lost family and friends younger than me. The odds of going the distance get slimmer with each passing moment. Yet, I'm willing to give it my best shot.

One thing that I know many articles don't speak of is creating a lasting community when your peers are dropping all around you. A good friend told me recently as I shared my concern. She responded without missing a beat, "Then you'll have to make younger friends!"

I really liked that thought, completely changed my view on aging. In that vain, I post for you, an article that focuses on the physical attributes that are related to longetivity. No surprise, but something to truly consider...Keep on truckin' folks!

Long life goes hand in hand with a firm grip - Health -

Success is in the journey NOT the Pill!

I see Trends. I have this tendency to see common threads in un-related issues.  For instance, I see how our narrowed-minded, short-term profit fix is reflected in our desire to "cure" long-term systemic problems with the quick profiteering fix of drugs.

In the U.S. especially, our own greed and blindness to long-term financial stability and innovation is blocked and destroyed by our own fears of competition.  Large corporations destroy the future by gobbling up and destroying anything that threatens current profits.  Thus squelching any potential long-term market growth. Innovation, the very thing that made the USA great is wiped off the future map.  Now we are paying the high price.

I see the same kind of trends for the "cure" of the modern day killer of health, Obesity.  Heaven forbid that we  fix our inadequate food supply, promote more physical movement in the our daily lives, learn how to deal effectively with stress and discover how true joy is found in each simple moment.

No instead we promote and people buy drugs to fix themselves mentally & physically. And if one drug doesn't work, here, add another to the mix.

Once again diet drugs are looking to be approved to cure obesity...LOOK at the risks compared to the modest gains (or losses).

A health lifestyle costs us virtually nothing.  But it does take conscious consistent effort.  It's in that very journey, that very journey that the true cure exists.  Why must we be so short-sighted with the quick-fix solutions?  Why must we be so afraid of the journey.  Is it really too much work to be happy & healthy without drugs?

Risks of old, new diet drugs face U.S. scrutiny

WASHINGTON, Sept 9 (Reuters) - The risks of a potential new diet pill and a 13-year-old weight-loss medicine face U.S. scrutiny next week as medical experts consider if the drugs' benefits outweigh possible side effects.
On Thursday, Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc (ARNA.O) goes before an advisory panel that will consider if the pill, lorcaserin or Lorqess, should win approval. The medicine is vital to Arena, a small company with no approved drugs on the market.
On Wednesday, the committee will decide whether to recommend tougher action against Abbott Laboratories Inc's (ABT.N) diet drug Meridia on concerns about heart problems.
READ the WHOLE Article... And you tell me if you see what I see..

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Clean Sheets, Goose Eggs & Shut Outs

I'm a believer in what sports has to offer children & adults. I'm a believer in sports if we allow sports to do the teaching and for us parents to learn our own lessons by simply supporting our children and not fighting their battles for them. I believe that we learn most from our failures than our successes. I believe in letting children fail so they know the value of working harder for a goal they believe in.

That of course is easier said then done. I learned a lot of lessons as an athlete when I was younger. Those lessons hold true today. I'm still learning lessons as a parent of an athlete.

My son, now a sophomore in college, is a very different athlete than I was. I was a natural, could do anything and do it well. I worked hard at it, but I didn't train like my son. I played many sports. He has chosen soccer as his passion. He's a soccer goalie, a Keeper. He's 5'6"/5'7". He's fearless, he's quick, he's stronger than his 140# athletic frame shows, and he can leap.

But no one, outside of a few HS coaches and his teammates, believed he could dominate this position. He has. But the battle, just like his battle over a learning disability, is not one he can coast along with. He's got to prove himself every moment.

The longer he played, the higher the competition, the higher the risks. Failure is not an option to my son. Failure to him was giving up on his goal of playing Keeper for a team he leads to the nationals and playing in the field. He could play the field, his skills are that good. But his passion is Keeper.

As the leading sophomore he looked to earn his starting position, but the freshman got the nod. AAARGGHH! I pouted more than he.

He got his chance to play. And this is what he did.

Clean Sheets: Share this profile

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Simple Chore. A Life Lesson. - Sherrill A Quinn's MySpace Blog | sAq's BLOG...

Finding the joy and the little Miracles in everyday life can do so much for our Mental and Spiritual Well-being. It's these simple moments that add pleasure. Can we stay aware enough to even notice?

A Simple Chore. A Life Lesson. - Sherrill A Quinn's MySpace Blog | sAq's BLOG...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Energize Your Workouts with Social Support

Now, I LOVE exercise. I KNOW the value of physical activity in my life. I live and breathe this stuff. I have learned and seen first hand the value of regular physical exertion has on your mind, body and spirit. Not as crazy as years past, my intentions and goals are unique to my life right now.

A lifetime athlete (since the age of 8) I'm finding enjoyment in recreational sports these days more than sheer competition. I compete with that little (and I have to admit sometimes quite loud) still small voice inside that says, "Hmm, maybe later." I have come to rely very heavily on others support and encouragement in recent months.

Now I work in the field and preach it everyday and I am often the motivator for many folks. But this motivator needs a motivator once in ahile too. Or maybe I just want to enjoy this "fitness stuff" with the people I love in my life. Maybe this is just another thing that we can share together. Either way the bottom-line is Do Whatever it takes to be and stay active, even if it means recruiting old and new friends!

Here's a great supportive article to that end.

Energize Your Workouts with Social Support American Council on Exercise (ACE)

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