Saturday, February 26, 2011

Still Snowing, but Dreaming of Spring Gardening

Ah gardening! In Buffalo, NY where the ground is still very frozen and covered with snow we can only dream and plan our gardening efforts for spring. Some locations such as Novato, CA are probably just about ready to be clearing the winter debris out of the yard and cleaning up the garden beds.

I LOVE to work out in the yard. It's refreshing and in the evening all you have to do is start the fire pit, flame up a few hamburgers, break open a couple cold ones and kick back to admire all your hard work.

Gardening and yard work is so immediately gratifying. Even for one like myself who is better at digging up, racking, clearing, cutting, hauling and watering then planning the look of the yard. That I leave up to the experts.

Early spring cleaning is both rewarding and invigorating to the body and soul. Yet, it does come with it's aches and pains. I usually hear all about it on Mondays at the gym where I work.

So let me give you a few pointers that have helped me out over the years.

1. Take your time. You don't have to do it all in one day. Really, you don't.

2. Take some stretch breaks. Really. Stand up tall, lean back, supporting your low back with the palms of your hands and gently bend the opposite direction you've been bent all morning.

3. Stand in the doorway, open your arms and hold onto either side of the opening, now lean in. YES, expand that chest.

4. Lastly, put your foot up. Yes, just one. Up on the fence so you look like you are doing a lunge. Now bend the front knee, bring your chest to the thigh and then straighten out the leg. Feels good in a uncomfortable kind of way.

Although we have some more snow coming our way in the still winter wonderland Buffalo, NY I can't help but feel that spring really is not that far off and the planting season will once again begin.

Here's a great read of an article I found this afternoon. Enjoy.

Master Gardeners: Aging gardeners can continue their passion with a few tweaks - Marin Independent Journal

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