Friday, February 25, 2011

Collision Sports: Head Trauma, Depression, Suicide Link

You have a son or perhaps a daughter playing football? This is an important article to read. Football is a GIANT and you better believe there will be forces out there (NFL on down) that will dispute these findings will even stoop to childish name-calling and racial slurs to deny some hard truths.

Collision sports are a hazard to our brain health as we age.

I personally love football. I loath, however, the football business machine of today. Quite frankly, I find some, not all, of the professional athletes complete ass-holes.

The ones that are good for business are bad for society. My son, an athlete himself, is ashamed to be considered in the same league as these male athletes, that get away with treating women with disrespect and the law with even less reverence.

The plain and simple truth is football poses some very serious health risks that may not be exposed until mid-life, well after the athletes are out of the lime light and off the publics radar screens.

The most irritating thing about this article along with other research studies that conclude similar results, is that it may well get buried, get over-looked, denied consideration.

Why? Because football is BIG money. Not only pro's, but colleges and high schools, community organizations etc. Let's not forget the businesses that depend on the football as well, networks, corporations that advertise, and other media organizations. The list goes on and on.

But I'm not trying to say we should bring down football. But the risks should be communicated loud and clear. If you truly understand the risks and you would like to see your child participate, so be it.

Life is about taking risks.

All I suggest is to read the information as if it were about your son or daughter years down the road.

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