Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Dangers of Energy Drinks Finally Gets Noticed

We knew this was coming and I'm glad it is getting plenty of air time. 3 of the morning shows yesterday covered the story. Hopefully, the right "markets" see the warnings.

"Energy Drinks" have scared me over the years. I, too, have trained too many people that live off these beverages. As a Trainer,  I experience their emotional and physiological ups and downs with these drinks. The unfortunate thing is that these folks don't understand the true health risks associated. And they certainly don't comprehend the risks associated with working out along with their use.

It was my son who noted not long ago, "Mom, have you noticed that they advertise sleep aids within the same commercial slots as they do energy drinks."

The modern day uppers and downers and all over the counter. In fact children easily have access to these "beverages"

I feel the same about energy drinks as I do diet aids. They are dangerous. But yet, the "market" still exists. The "market" being the consumer. We don't always know what is good for us because we are blinded by the possible benefits.

In this case more energy. Which essentially could be improved through diet, rest and exercise.

Instead of moderating our diets with the strength of our own minds we'll take drugs.

Instead of dealing with our own anxieties we'll take drugs.

Instead of moderating our own schedules of rest and work we'll take drugs.

Is it any wonder that we need to be "regulated" into improving our own health?!

If we search for answers in drugs, we clearly do.

Pediatrics report details risks from energy drinks - Yahoo! News

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