Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jack LaLanne Dead: Fitness Guru Dies At 96

I really thought this man was indeed going to live to at least 100! Then again, I thought he would be the ONE who really did live forever.

He is quoted as saying that "Dying would ruin my image", well maybe his passing just made him all the more human to us.

I am sadden by the loss of anyone. But I am amazed and motivated by who they were in this life.

Jack LaLanne Dead: Fitness Guru Dies At 96

Jack Lalanne LIVED his life well and encouraged others to do the same. He may have ruined his image by dying, but he inspired many to LIVE all of their years healthfully.

I know that he inspired mine. He was on T.V. everyday and I watched everyday I was home sick. That's back when we had only 3 channels to choose from!

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