Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sports Teach Life Lessons: "Don't Panic"

I've always believed that sports can teach our children and ourselves valuable life lessons if we let it happen. This past week my Lycoming College Soccer Goalkeeper son taught himself and ME one of those lessons.

He's a hardworking dedicated player. He's never been one to give up. As a 5"7" goalie he also hasn't been one who has been given credit for being damn good. He's too small and what coach is going to acknowledge that this small keeper can beat your tall, bigger players in the air. What coach will drop the ego and elect this young man as an all-league keeper.

That hasn't deterred my son. He plays to win. He plays for the team to win. He doesn't play for individual recognition. This week he AND I, his Mom, got a lesson in perseverance and courage. When the going got rough he didn't run away. He didn't panic!

If that is not a life lesson I don't know what is.

Read my Blog entry: "Don't Panic"

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