Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kathrine Switzer, the first woman to officially enter and run the Boston Marathon

Kathrine Switzer kicked off our Buffalo-Niagara International Marathon this Morning! What an awesome experience.

To think that it was in early 1970's that the "Boston Incident" occurred, where she registered in the No WOMEN ALLOWED event under the name of K. Switzer.

Men tried to "yank" her off the course at that time. WOW! we have changed. Today 60% of the entrants in the Marathon were women!

Kathrine Switzer, the first woman to officially enter and run the Boston Marathon

Sports Teach Life Lessons: "Don't Panic"

I've always believed that sports can teach our children and ourselves valuable life lessons if we let it happen. This past week my Lycoming College Soccer Goalkeeper son taught himself and ME one of those lessons.

He's a hardworking dedicated player. He's never been one to give up. As a 5"7" goalie he also hasn't been one who has been given credit for being damn good. He's too small and what coach is going to acknowledge that this small keeper can beat your tall, bigger players in the air. What coach will drop the ego and elect this young man as an all-league keeper.

That hasn't deterred my son. He plays to win. He plays for the team to win. He doesn't play for individual recognition. This week he AND I, his Mom, got a lesson in perseverance and courage. When the going got rough he didn't run away. He didn't panic!

If that is not a life lesson I don't know what is.

Read my Blog entry: "Don't Panic"

Friday, October 22, 2010

Bicycling is on a roll in Buffalo - Denise Jewell Gee - The Buffalo News

I'm a bit far to commute the entire distance to work (plus I report to work at 6:00am many days/week), but if there is a will there is a way.

Biking in a couple days per week cuts down on mileage on my car (saving about 55 miles), saves a few bucks in gas, but the biggest benefit is ME, the rider.

Sure it's a bit more of a pain to get the bike rack on the car, get the bike onto the rack, drive to my riding buddies home (closer to work than my home), ride the hour bike ride, then change at work.

But you know, it's two rides per day for 2 days. I commute save the environment a little AND do something good for my health.

There is one more benefit to commuting with a pal...Spending a little quality time with a work-friend. It does my heart good.

The bike is put away for the season. But the holidays are coming up and I think I'll ask Santa for some winter biking gear so I can get out earlier in 2011.

Think about it.

Bicycling is on a roll in Buffalo - Denise Jewell Gee - The Buffalo News

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Will We EVER Learn! Abbott Pulls Meridia Weight Loss Drug on Fatal Heart Attack Concerns | All247News

Every 1-2 years we read about diet pills being pulled from the market for their adverse effects. I have to ask myself, why are these drugs even ON the market! And yet, I know the answer to that question, demand. There is a demand for the drug, meaning people are willing to pay for the drug despite the risks.

Why should we blame the pharmaceutical companies? I mean really, somewhere within their literature there must be a warning label. You know that 2 foot long piece of paper that comes inside all the packaging. The one that lists all the "side-effects" and hazards? Yes.

Doesn't that exclude them from any responsibility?! Isn't that enough for someone to at least reconsider taking these drugs? No. No.

We still manufacture them. We still search out and purchase them. We still take them. And we still suffer the consequences.

All because we are not willing to do the work.

My hard-liner feeling...Fine take the drugs. Go ahead. But you assume 100% of the risk. If you die, your estate, your family. your friends you left behind can't sue anyone. You CHOSE to take the drug.

But here is where my basic philosophy on health comes in. "It Takes a Village..." It takes a village for a person to be healthy. It takes each person doing what they need to do to be healthy. It takes a government ensuring that policies are established to protect ourselves from...ourselves, it takes companies truly being altruistically motivated when it comes to the consumers health, not just the "all-mighty" dollar or that quarters profit margins.

It takes everyone doing their share, their part.

When I read articles such as this one year after year, I have to shake my head. Are we so ignorant of our own history to be doomed to constantly repeat mistakes.

Unfortunately, it appears so.

Abbott Pulls Meridia Weight Loss Drug on Fatal Heart Attack Concerns | All247News

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bigfoot Moods - You Can't Win Unless You Enter!

OK, You are right I am stretching the point here on Wellness, but am I? Is fun and laughter as much a part of a healthy vibrant life as exercise and eating nutritiously! I find the more you enjoy the simple, childish things in life the more smiles and laughs you have all day long. Certainly makes a difference in my outlook towards just about everything.

At Fisher-Price their (our) motto is "Our work is child's play!" And it is work, but the rewards are the gazzillion smiling laughing faces of children around the world. Now that is amazing. When I see a happy child I can't help but smile myself.  Those smiles are contagious! 

So go ahead and play. Who cares if you don't win, you'll laugh at the silly faces and gestures Big Foot makes. And if you do win...WOW! You are going to make some child pretty darn happy when your very own Big Foot arrives on your doorstep! 

Bigfoot Moods: "Enter The Bigfoot Moods Sweepstakes for your chance to win a Bigfoot the Monster toy."

Friday, October 1, 2010

We are Only as Strong as our Weakest Link: Bullying should not be Tolerated!

Think this doesn't have anything to do with Health & Wellness? Yes, it does. It speaks to our mental, spiritual, and emotional health as a nation. Bullying has been around forever you say. Yes, but does that make it right or just? No. We've all been bullied in our lives, is it a right of passage? It doesn't have to be. It's a learned behavior that can be passed on from generation to generation due to ignorance & intolerance. It's a cycle, if we chose, can STOP. Yep, stop it dead in it's tracks. By speaking up when prejudicial behavior is heard or seen. By reaching out to those who are targeted. By watching your own behavior especially in the presence of our children.

As an athlete I was always taught that our team was only as strong as our weakest link and that it was up to the stronger athletes to make the weaker players better. As an adult I carry that philosophy with me into the Health & Wellness arena. It is my belief that we, as a nation, as a human race are only as strong as our weakest link. Our weakest link in this case is our GLBT folks. Constant targets by the politicians & the religious right. We, who are strong and have our own personal shields against such insults, must not only protect, but empower our weaker link, our vulnerable people.

We must NOT tolerate these acts. We must no longer be silent when heard. How can we be a healthy nation when we allow these and other behaviors to eat away at our soul as a citizen of this world.

I am fortunate to work with a company that is working on "inclusive" language in it's policies for the employees. But our job is not yet complete. As Ellen mentions in her message, things will get better, things do change and our teens should be around to see it!

Thank you Ellen for this Brilliant message!