Monday, March 11, 2013

WebMD Fit Juniors ROCKS! (Adults May Like it Too)

I stumbled across this website, WebMD Fit Juniors, (via my IDEA Member site). Lately I have been very disappointed in WebMD (too many e-mails, drug ads to "solutions", and too many weight-loss scams...).

Don't get me wrong, WebMD is a great resource for info about medical ailments. BUT I do have a Pharma problem with them... I just ignore those parts, however, and take in everything else. I am informed enough to do weed through the "need to pay the bills" muck.

But this site (WebMD Fit Juniors) of theirs, geared toward children and parents, is awesome. I'm impressed with the layout and the childlike manner in which the information is presented. The site is comprehensive and helpful to both parents and teachers of health.

The playfulness of the site and why it appeals to me as an adult reminds me of the times when I go to Art Galleries that have some touring shows or collections. They often offer a recorded self-guided version of the tour. I LOVE those and feel they are worth the extra few bucks. I, after all, am a non-artsy person who loves to learn about art and artists one little snippet at a time. The self-guided listening tours are insightful AND you can push the repeat button in case you got distracted.

The special part I enjoy about the listening tours is that they often have children's versions. What a fun way to visit a collection! Try it if you have the chance, no one will guess which program version you are listening too, except maybe when you giggle a silly joke.

About this WebMD Fit Juniors (WebMD Fit Juniors) site, it's got a great feel and they approach healthy behaviors with childlike wonder and fun - good thing in my mind. Take a look at the ReCharge activity: for an example. Not a hint of  TV mentioned.

I would love to know their analytics and their behavior change stats (if they can get those)!


Sunday, March 3, 2013

...And Why Haven't I Supported Women's Sports Before?!

I really should be ashamed of myself! At 55 I am just now buying tickets to women's sporting events, University @ Buffalo Women's Basketball and WNY Flash (women's pro soccer league).

Why haven't I supported women's sports in the past? Probably has a lot to do with the fact that I was (mostly) a single mom working full-time, including a couple P/T gigs along the journey, balancing a career and a football, ice hockey and soccer playing son.

A reason, but NOT a good excuse.

I mean really! I was a first generation athletic scholarship woman athlete myself! I played during the days when the college newspaper gave a full 2 page spread to a rained out baseball game and a 1/2 paragraph to an undefeated women's lacrosse team game! The injustice of it created a storm surge at the campus paper headquarters. We got news coverage on that stunt!

So here I am at the age of 55 and very nearly an "empty-nester" and I am just now making the time for women's sports!

Today I am taking my nearly graduated college soccer playing son to the UB Women's Basketball game. I must have done something right because 1. He wants to spend time with his mom on his short spring break and 2. He loves going to the women's games as much as he does the men's sports.

Why haven't I done this before now? Supported women's sports? Well, that was then and this is NOW!

I have attached the 2013 WNY Flash season schedule. Take a peek, they may be coming to city near you...take yourself to one...take your kids....

WNY Flash 2013 Schedule

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