Sunday, August 19, 2012

Deceptive Marketing Should Be OUTLAWED....Oh! It is?

Marketing. Success is scored by increases in sales. Not health. Their success increases their wallets and your waistlines.

Success has absolutely nothing to do with health of the end user, the consumer. It's all about short term profits. It's all about value to the share-holder, which, if you are working and you invest in a 401k or the like, you are one of those profiting. Doesn't matter that it's making us sick.

And that kind of sickness is costing us BIG right now! Obesity. Diabetes. Stroke. Heart Disease. Cancer.

Do yourself a favor ignore the packaging and eat real food.

Don't want to bother? Then don't bother to whine when you have to pay for the high cost of medicines to "manage" your expensive health condition that over consumption of "healthy" products such as these promote.

BBC News - Cereal bars: Healthy image a myth - Which?

You know, we can't make enough laws to stop this kind of hurtful behavior as long as we have business people running our government. But don't get me started on that topic!

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