Sunday, August 19, 2012

Deceptive Marketing Should Be OUTLAWED....Oh! It is?

Marketing. Success is scored by increases in sales. Not health. Their success increases their wallets and your waistlines.

Success has absolutely nothing to do with health of the end user, the consumer. It's all about short term profits. It's all about value to the share-holder, which, if you are working and you invest in a 401k or the like, you are one of those profiting. Doesn't matter that it's making us sick.

And that kind of sickness is costing us BIG right now! Obesity. Diabetes. Stroke. Heart Disease. Cancer.

Do yourself a favor ignore the packaging and eat real food.

Don't want to bother? Then don't bother to whine when you have to pay for the high cost of medicines to "manage" your expensive health condition that over consumption of "healthy" products such as these promote.

BBC News - Cereal bars: Healthy image a myth - Which?

You know, we can't make enough laws to stop this kind of hurtful behavior as long as we have business people running our government. But don't get me started on that topic!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Incorporating Fitness and Nutrition into Diabetes Management - A Guest Blog

Incorporating Fitness and Nutrition into Diabetes Management

The best approach to diabetes management is a multi-faceted approach involving medication, nutrition and fitness. While medication can help to balance out blood glucose levels or keep them manageable, a patient with diabetes cannot fully manage this disease without good nutrition and fitness as well. There is no cure for diabetes, but when you combine good diet and exercise with the right medications, it is possible to get a handle on blood glucose levels for long term management.

* Manage all diabetes medication. Speak with a physician to make sure that all diabetes medications and other treatments are compatible with a new nutrition or fitness plan. Good diabetes health management means ensuring that medication, diet and exercise are all compatible with one another for the best possible results.

* Choose a healthy nutrition plan rather than a diet. Dieting to lose weight and eating healthily for diabetes are two different things. Good diabetes health management means eating nutritionally sound meals that incorporate the right types of calories, carbohydrates, proteins, fibers and fats. Drastically reducing the amount of any of these nutrients such as a low-carb diet or severely low calorie diet can harm management of diabetes rather than helping it, even if the diet is promoting weight loss. Weight loss is not the only puzzle piece when managing any type of diabetes.

* Add fitness in slowly. Adding exercise in to a daily routine can be absolutely essential to good diabetes health management. The key is to add exercise in slowly, tracking how it impacts health and blood sugar along the way. It is essential not to overdo it when starting out on an exercise plan since every diabetes patient responds differently to working out.

* Work closely with a doctor. Nutritionists, endocrinologists and general practitioners can all play an important role in developing a fitness and nutrition routine for good diabetes management. Work closely with these specialists and professionals to make sure that all elements of a diet and fitness program are compatible with current and future diabetes management plans.

* Log and track everything. Keep a diet and fitness log where blood sugar, fitness types and nutrients can all be tracked. This information will make it possible to see how diet and exercise are impacting blood sugar on both a short term and log term basis. There are other things that can be tracked as well, such as mood along the way.

Combining good nutrition with exercise and diabetes health management through medication is a great way to make sure blood sugar is managed on a long term basis. Because diabetes medications can cause complications when taken over a long term basis, such as Actos which causes bladder cancer risk factors  and other side effects, it is better to reduce one's need on diabetes medication in favor of natural, healthful diabetes management.  Filing an Actos Lawsuit is also an alternative plan of action if harmed by this drug.

Elizabeth Carrollton writes about defective medical devices and dangerous drugs for