Wednesday, October 12, 2011

GMO's: Genetically Modified Organisms - The Rights of Consumers v Corporations

The debate over Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) and consumer protection is a perfect example of "We the People" v "We the Corporation".

It seems to me so logical that "Yes, of course" all foods should be labeled when they are NOT purely produced by mother nature.

The fact that there is a debate at all screams how the power of large corporations and their profits weigh in more heavily then the health and well-being of the people, the consumer of such foods.

The fact that these corporations are making huge profits and yet having no accountability over the long-range implications of the GMO's on consumer health is an outrage to me.

I believe in the freedom of choice. And in this incidence, as far as the USA in concerned, we are being denied the choice of knowing how our food has been manufactured and produced.

I want to eat healthy. I want to be healthy. I'd like to think corporations will have my best interest in mind while producing these GMO foods, but the truth of the matter is immediate profits out weigh my future health in the long run.

"While the Act includes provisions relating to the genetic modification of organisms,
from the development and production to the release and application of GMOs, as well
as the use of gene therapy, it does not govern the labelling of products that contain GMOs,
or stipulate the need to disclose this information to the consumer," says Natasha Wright,
an associate, at law firm Adams & Adams."

OK I can accept that no one else takes responsibility for my health. But in this case I can not only be informed, I have no way to fight back and hold anyone corporation accountable to the potential adverse health reaction to my body ingesting a multitude of GMO's.

I believe I should have that right to know what I am ingesting, to be informed so that I can make my own decision and choose what I believe best for me.

Right now without labels we are being denied that right.

It's wrong period.

When something is fought so strongly like the fight for GMO labeling in the USA, then I can't help but think that even the corporations who are creating GMO's don't know the long range health consequences and want only to profit now and wipe their hands of future responsibility.

That is just shameful.

South Africa, as this article explains is taking a stand. So should the USA!

Consumers are protected by GMO Act - Adams & Adams:

'via Blog this'

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fit to Enjoy a Full Life - Push-ups to Kayaks

When I commune with nature via a hike or kayaking adventure I always return to my real world refreshed and invigorated.

I feel humbled and awed in the presence of Mother Nature. I feel saddened by our disrespect for her beauty and   value to our existence.

When I venture forth into the rather tame reaches of nature I emerge with a much larger heart for not only the wild life it's natural habitat but our humanness as well.

Rarely do I go on adventures alone. A pal or a few pals join me. We each share the moments of taking in the oft times hidden world. We talk about anything and everything. We see nature and each other within the light of Oneness.We are as much a part as we are separate from nature and ourselves.

I have always believed that fitness is NOT always about being buff, having the knock-out body, breaking sound barriers on our bikes, in the water or on our feet. The athletic achievements, though mentally and spiritually uplifting and satisfying in themselves, pale in comparison to living an abundant life.

Being FIT to me, and it is just my opinion, one I base my professional personal training world around, is the ability to DO what you enjoy in life.

Being able to perform 25 full push-ups is not the important thing to me. BUT being able to do those push-ups ALLOWS me to climb rocks, swim in the lakes & oceans, pick up and carry the children in my life, hoist that kayak onto my car and play a game of tennis with one of my favorite people in the world.

That is what being FIT means to me. So I will lift my weights. I will go for runs (or at least do my best). I will do my push-ups and sit-ups.I will feel proud of those athletic achievements (first in my age-group or just NOT last!) and PR's.

But the love I feel, the satisfaction I experience comes when I can take that fit body on adventures in nature with my friends. That fills my heart & mind with love and soothes my anxious soul.