Monday, May 30, 2011

There is no reason to QUIT! Lots of reasons to START!

Aging is NOT a disease. But we tend to "age" faster when we allow ourselves to become less active, physically, mentally and spiritually. We become dis-eased when we give up on ourselves and our health in particular.

Cultivating a "can do" attitude no matter your age, no matter your obstacle takes mental & physical practice. We have to keep investing in our health every day. 

And oh yes, once you succumb to the "I'm too old" to learn, to grow, to try something new, to give it your best, then you will create that reality around you. You become too diseased to DO anything.

We will age and we will begin to slow, who cares. But why must we rush it with inactivity and lethargy?

Challenge the misconception and "just do it!".

Inspirational read...

Bike Swim Run » Can You Run Even When You’re Older?

Saturday, May 28, 2011

My Team - Buffalo Marathon

The running season begins with the Buffalo Marathon on Sunday May 29th. An unlikely team, my running buddies & I, will run further than we have in at least 10 years if not in our lives. No it's nothing major, no 50-miler, no full marathon, it's just this team of friends doing the 4-person relay. No biggie to runners, but HUGE to each one of us.

We go toe-to-toe with our own personal "Beast" of uncertainty, insecurity, fear, excuses, doubt, commitments, family pulls, injuries and yet...move ahead anyway.

This goal has more to do with our own minds. The rewards are bigger than the mere 10K or 12K we'll each contribute. Running has brought us together. We're a TEAM.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happiness - Being "Active" in the Pursuit

...And there's that "ACTIVITY" factor again!

Being truly happy. Inwardly happy. Not externally, see how much I have accumulated, vaux happy. It's not hard, it's only heart-felt.

If you donate your time & money do it for non-recognition and see how it really makes you feel.

Build your friendships because you honestly like the person you are be-friending, not for their business contacts. Give of yourself to them for no other reason than sharing the "gift of yourself" to them.

That higher-purpose, where you hold yourself accountable to the highest form of who you are. No, not this worlds definition. YOUR definition of your highest self. You might have to pause and LISTEN to find what that means to you. You will hear it, but you must be still to hear it. You won't have to ask permission or get affirmations from anyone, you will know.

And there it is: Be Active. Get Physical. MOVE your Body! Nothing like a walk around the neighborhood, a day toiling the garden, going for a bike ride, playing tag with the kids, hiking along the river rocks...being active just for the fun of it.

Activity is part of the overall "Happines Equation".

Daily Good is an inspirational Blog to those on the journey and to those who wish to continue.



DailyGood: 10 Keys to Happier Living