Sunday, September 20, 2009

Stop the Insanity! Health Care Reform is NEEDED!

The uproar about this Healthcare Reform is so infuriating! The lies and deceptions will cost us dearly down the road. The nay sayers against reform are listening to the fear producing rhetoric and basing their opinions on their fears and not the facts.

Americans aren't willing to listen and do the right thing. They are always looking for the easy, quick fix irregardless what those short term fixes do to us in the longrun. HMO's controlled Health Care costs for a few years by merely DENYING coverage. But that only lasted a few years. It worked in the short term, but has hurt us dearly in the long term, We're a sick nation.

On one hand we don't want goverment involvement. Then on the other hand if you lose your job, where do we look for handouts, safety nets and fixes. We don't want goverment involved with banking..oh but when they fail we do. When natural disasters strike we want goverment involved and fast. When our food safety is jeopardized we want goverment involved. When wide-spread illnesses invade we want goverment involved.

When we lose our healthcare coverage then have an accident or a life threatening illness we want goverment involved. Oh it's OK then. But heaven forbid that they find a way to make it not only accessible, but affordable. That's not OK. I don't get it!

SO now the goverment is saying that we pay way too much for drugs, we can get a better price if we consolidate and bargain (i.e. that's what wal-mart/walgreens does). Can you really say private insurance companies have said yes to paying the price of your drugs? Have we not understood that private HMO's have prospered BECAUSE they have DENIED converage. Health care providers don't provide health they pay for it.  They pay for it with your money!

DO you realize that many people can't afford the medicines they need to survive. I lost and old lover this year for that very reason, it sucks! We spend more on healthcare, pay more for healthcare and we're NOT healthy! Shit not even close. The goverment wants to fix that. And you don't think that is a good idea?!

The goverment wants to step in and lead the way to be sure everyone not only has coverage, but it's affordable. And you want to bitch and moan and believe the fear raising lies from OH...the insurance companies and the phamaceutical companies who have for years been making money off of you but not helping you be healthy!?

Wake up people! The system is broken and only a few folks are getting rich because of it and you wanna believe these folks. You want to put our life in their hands?

We, as a nation, don't take responsibility for our health until we are sick, so doing things to maintain our health, like eating well, preventive screenings, exercising regularly, not smoking, managing our emotional and mental health, finding work that is fulfilling, finding something in your life that is fulfilling. No we'd rather over eat, eat crappy food, smoke, sit on our asses, run around like chickens with our heads cut off, stress about our jobs or no jobs, stress about just about anything that takes work to achieve, avoid the doctor, and then sue someone for our choices.

We want to mess up our heads, live without faith in some higher power, waste our bodies, undervalue our lives and then blame it on someone else. It's the American way. Where's the accountability?

Yeah, people who do all the right things get sick. And some live their last few years on this earthly plane doing everything they can to survive. Some live well even though they will lose their fight way too early. But those who chose to live well spiritually, mentally, emotionally during that time really LIVE! They may even live more fully then they ever have before because of their illness.

Does medicine have all the answers, NO. Will we live forever, NO, not on earth. My faith tells me I'll have everlasting life in another way. I trust and believe in that. I realize that not everyone does. Too bad for that. BUT Private industry can't promise you everything either. Neither can the goverment.

Private industry needs a Goverment FOR and BY the people to do right by ALL the people. And that's what Health Care Reform is all about. Taking care of ALL our people.

As an athlete, I was always taught that we were only as strong as our weakest link.  So we made sure our weakest link got stronger.  I believe that to be true about our community and our world. We're only as healthy as our weakest link.

That IS the bottom line folks. Everyone wins when people do the right thing. The only people who lose when a nation gets healthier are the companies that get rich on us being sick. MMM who's that Insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, even the supplement industry. All survive on our "unhealthiness".

We cannot "regulate" ourselves. We can't let's face it. As long as we value the all-mighty dollar more than integrity we can't regulate ourselves. Checks and balances need to be put into place.

I don't 100% trust the goverment, nor do I 100% trust the private industry. But in combination sometimes they both, together can perform amazing feats.

Let's, together fear less and do what is necessary to really make this country great.  Support Health Care Reform. In fact take it even further. Support Health Care Reform with more Preventive Health measures. 

"You want to lower your health care expenses, get healthy." Eat well.  Exercise regularly.  Manage stress.  Don't smoke. Live with lovingkindness.

The goverment needs to be more proactive in healthcare to push private industry and private citizens into being healthier. The old way aint' working and it needs to be fixed!

Stop letting fear of change scare you into believing lies. Fight for change, NOW!

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