Wednesday, October 17, 2012

We spend BILLIONS on drugs, but a good pair of running shoes is still BEST ROI (when used).

Another study review exhaulting the benefits of high fitness levels (although the review doesn't mention how that is defined, only that cardiorespiratory fitness as it relates to other men the same age).

We spend Billions of dollars each year to reduce risk factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol and LDL's and weight loss. BUT it's fitness levels that carry the greatest predictive value. Meaning fitness levels play a greater role in reducing the risk of dying (early I suppose, since we all do...die) from CHD.

Let me say it again. We SPEND BILLIONS!!! Where wearing out a good pair of running (even if you walk) shoes at maybe 100 bucks per year could benefit you more. The key factor here is wear the shoes to DO the activity and do it often enough to wear the shoes out in a year or less.

That's our problem, we prefer to spend BILLIONS instead of DOING for hundreds.

I prefer to spend and DO and the SAVE my money for vacations, education, home improvement and the like. I'd rather hold onto my hard earned dough and have some fun!

The article and the study brings up many positives, but I have some concerns about the study itself.
1. where are the women?
2. fitness levels compared to other men of the same age. is the fitness level high or just higher than a couch potato?

The use of drugs is not only expensive they cause a host of other issues (side-effects) that harm the body AND they cause issues in the environment, namely our water. These drugs do eventually get into our sewer system you know.

It's all connected. I'd prefer to go for a jog!

Active Voice: Does Cardiorespiratory Fitness Level Trump LDL-Cholesterol Level for Predicting CHD Mortality?:

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