Tuesday, March 6, 2012

When a Pedometer is a GOOD thing

Physical activity. There are so many levels from ADL's just getting out of bed and just standing up to ultra marathons and ironman triathlons and everything in between.

Physical activity is movement and movement of any kind is good.

As a manager of a health promotion program I am constantly in search of new ways to make physical activity inviting, energizing, challenging, motivating....in short engaging.

I want as many people to engage in movement on a regular basis as possible. Until I get 100% involved I believe my job is not complete, not done, not successful.

So I have my work cut out for me because life seems encourage us to do otherwise.  Watch T.V., play video games, surf the internet, send e-mails (and yes, I send e-mails to my staff even when they are less than a half dozen steps away!), Twitter, Facebook...work...work...work...sitting down.

It's the sitting and the stressing for long periods of time that is killing us. So a simple Pedometer can be of value. You can see for yourself just how much you move about everyday. Or perhaps just how much you don't.

Either way, as long as the pedometer doesn't fall off and into the toilet (yes, that happens more than you know) the feedback can be valuable, even motivational.

I bike, I run (at least I keep trying to "run", it's more like jogging these days), I kayak, hike, walk, play badminton, golf, ski, snow shoe, but I can still move more. A pedometer shows me that.

Like eating regularly throughout the day moving throughout the day is as powerful and in some instances more powerful than all the activity I do on a recreational level.

A pedometer encourages me to get those 10,000 steps a day. If I arrive at the end of the day and I'm not complete, out the door I go.

For some the 10K steps a day is ALL they do.

I think that's great! They are my 10K athletes!

Phys Ed: How Staying Active Keeps Us Healthy - NYTimes.com:

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