Sunday, August 7, 2011

Exercise! Don't underestimate the curative properties..

Yes, of course I'm going to jump on an article that highlights exercise as medicine. I'll keep highlighting these articles until it finally dawns on folks that movement is good. Not only is it good for the often over emphasized aesthetic reasons (Ok, I get it sexy bodies sell magazines, products and services), but movement (A.K.A. Exercise) is great for the mind, spirit and our over all health.

Exercise does not have to be difficult. We can vary it up any which way and benefits mount. Sure there are precautions and progressions when first starting out. Sure as you get fitter, you got to change it up, mix it up, challenge yourself. But it's not rocket science folks.

So here is another reason to get yourself moving. There are so many options out there for everyone that you are bound to find something that clicks with you. Clubs, DVD's, YouTube, TV stations, Recreation, hikes, biking trails, pools...come on it's available no matter socio-economic strata you are on...options are available.

BBC News - Exercise should be 'standard part of cancer care'

Check out some of the stats in this article if you need convincing.

In Health Always!!
