Sunday, March 13, 2011

Inertia by Sherrill A Quinn (Sherrill A Quinn) on Myspace

If you have read any of my blogs you know I believe in the power of movement, physical exercise, fitness and, sports to be a positive influence in our mental, spiritual, emotional and yes, physical well-being.

I'm a fitness expert to some folks. I have made a life out of encouraging people to get and stay fit and healthy. I live it, breathe it, think about it.

Yet, I am human. I have my moments of lethargy. I have my moments where I just don't wanna "Just DO it".

I was content to ride my bike and go for walks around the neighborhood.

Since my time of "competing" was well behind me I was content to be a healthy fit. I would leave the PR's to the young studs and "studdettes" coming up behind me.

As the saying goes, the less you do the less you can do. Soon I found I couldn't run. I could run around a soccer field ok, but I couldn't go out and run without hurting BIG time. I thought I was done, toast, finished with racing.

But then a friend, a colleague wanted to do a race. She was starting about the same pace I was, a walker/jogger. A "Wogger". She wanted to be a jogger. So of course I figured I'd help her achieve that. Why not, it's what I do.

In order to help her I need to DO it. I needed to run too. So we entered some races. We had illusions of grandeur, but failed miserably (except that we dared to enter and dared to try).

We kept at it. We even got another and her husband to join in on the journey. Soon we were a team by "default".

Now we encourage each other, because we have a goal: A 10K this May. To be a four-person team to run in the Buffalo Marathon.

Well, you can't do that without training. Not unless you want to disappoint yourself and pay the physical price the following days.

Been there. Done that BS!

Inertia, procrastination, stuckness was getting in my way. I was reluctant to run on my own. I was reluctant to try some longer runs on my own. I was rationalizing. Inertia had me in her grasp.

How does one overcome inertia? One step at a time. Read on...

Inertia by Sherrill A Quinn (Sherrill A Quinn) on Myspace