Sunday, October 18, 2009

What can you tell me about the FDA approved over-the-counter diet pill

As the article states right off the bat-there is NO free lunch. yet, we as humans wish it were true. So much so we fall for anything that "claims" to be the cure. Where are our brains?! I'm a believer in the philosophy that the cure, teh answers are IN the journey. Take the journey my friends, toward wellness. It's so worth it. And think just how much money you'll save NOT spending it on crap!
What can you tell me about the FDA approved over-the-counter diet pill "Alli"?

What can I expect when working with a personal trainer?

What can I expect when working with a personal trainer?

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Obama: 'I Will Not Accept Partisan Efforts' Blocking Health Reform Bills - Kaiser Health News

When you understand the REAL issues for Healthcare reform you can make more informed decisions. This is NOT about forcing expenses on employers or tax payers. This is about YOURS and my health. We have cattered to the AMA, Insurance Providers, the Pharmaceutical companies for far too long. It's time that the average working person AND the small businesses that fuel our economy got a fair deal. The only thing I feel is decideley missing is the issue of self-responsibility in preventive healthcare-We know what we need to do to improve our health-Exercise, Eat well, Learn to not only manage stress but live with a purpose, utilize preventive screenings, NOT smoke, and give back. Those behaviors can go along way in reducing HC expenses!!!Obama: 'I Will Not Accept Partisan Efforts' Blocking Health Reform Bills - Kaiser Health News