Friday, August 21, 2009

QuinnE-isms on Health

Just a few of my most common statements I find myself repeating on a regular basis with my Fitness Clients.

"You can eat cake and lose weight. You can eat organically and gain weight. Weight management is ALL about the calories."

"What you eat should fuel your Lifestyle of choice. Eat like crap-feel crappy. Eat well-feel well."

"Exercise is about FUNCTION. How well does your body function in this life?"

"We don't do ABS so we can crunch all day. We do ABS so we can sit and stand tall."

"Assure good health instead of insuring poor health."

"It's the journey man, it's ALL about the journey."

"I workout because it makes me feel good, physically, mentally & spiritually."

"I wanna be apart of the 'Centurian Club' when I turn 100."

"A dessert-a-day is as essential to my health as is 3-5 vegetables everyday!"

"Society is only as strong as the weakest link. It's our responsibility to live as if everyone counted."

"People come and go in our lives, but our love for them lives forever in our hearts whether we want them to or not, do so in Love."

"I'm not perfect, but that doesn't stop me from working towards perfection."

I use this Star Wars Quote often: "No Young Skywalker, there is no 'try', only 'do'. One can not 'try' to lose weight or eat better or become more active, one must 'do'.

"We make choices and decisions every moment. We ARE our choices. What are you choosing in your life"

Not sure where I got this one from, I think it was either Aristotle or Socrates; "Hard work never killed anyone. What we THINK of that work has."

"So what is YOUR Why? If your 'WHY' isn't strong enough, change will not occur."

Often my clients will speak of what they don't want, but they struggle with what they DO want. I ask them to only focus on their desires and do whatever they can to have faith that they can achieve them. "Focus on where you want to go, what you want to become and you WILL get there. enjoy the process."